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Professor Dr. Götz Walter

Prof. Dr. phil. Götz Walter

Business psychology, change management, research methods, applied statistics
Dean of Studies Business Psychology (Bachelor)
Opening hours Dates bookable via Moodle:
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Room B 119
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Building B
Leibnizstr. 12
88250 Weingarten
Postal address RWU Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten
University of Applied Sciences
Prof. Dr. phil. Götz Walter
P.O. Box 30 22
88216 Weingarten

Götz Walter is professor for business psychology at the RWU Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences.

Prior to his professorship at RWU, Götz Walter was head of the business psychology department as well as director of the M.Sc. Psychology & Management study program at the International School of Management ISM, Munich. Before that, he worked as a management consultant for the European utility industry at The Advisory House GmbH, Munich. He worked in various projects, most of them focusing on organizational transformations and process management. He earned his PhD at University Zurich (Switzerland) and studied psychology at University Regensburg and as a DAAD scholar at University of Melbourne (Australia).

Publications in peer-reviewed journals

Walter, G., Leser, S., Ottmann, H., & Hartmann, K. (2023). Perceptions of Sustainability vs. Quality Features - An Experimental Study on Young Consumers' Quality Perceptions of Foods and Beverages. Marketing Review St.Gallen, 2, 36-42.

Sovacool, B.K., Schmid, P., Stirling, A., Walter, G. & MacKerron, G. (2022). Reply to: Nuclear power and renewable energy are both associated with national decarbonization. Nature Energy, 7, 30-31.

Walter, G., Schweig, D. & Rathnow, P. (2021). People as a success factor in M&As: Actually, we should know better. PersonalQuarterly, 4, 39-45.

Sovacool, B.K., Schmid, P., Stirling, A., Walter, G. & MacKerron, G. (2020). Differences in carbon emissions reduction between countries pursuing renewable electricity versus nuclear power. Nature Energy, 5, 928-935.

Barnschen, S., Walter, G. & Merkwitz, R. (2020). Beyond Simple Explanations: The Impact of Demographic Diversity Factors on Team Performance at a Global Manufacturing Company. Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 64 (2), 83-98.

Alberola, C., Walter, G. & Brau, H. (2018). Creation of a Short Version of the User Experience Questionnaire UEQ. Journal of interactive media i-com, 17 (1), 57-64.

Sovacool, B.K. & Walter, G. (2018). Internationalizing the Political Economy of Hydroelectricity: Security, Development and Sustainability in Hydropower States. Review of International Political Economy, 26 (1), 49-79.

Sovacool, B.K., Walter, G., Van de Graaf, T. & Andrews, N. (2016). Energy Governance, Transnational Rules, and the Resource Curse: Exploring the Effectiveness of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI). World Development, 83, 179-192.

Walter, G. (2014). Determining the Local Acceptance of Wind Energy Projects in Switzerland: The Importance of General Attitudes and Project Characteristics. Energy Research and Social Science, 4, 78-88.

Walter, G. & Gutscher, H. (2013). General support for local wind turbines vs. support for specific wind power projects: The influence of project and process parameters. Environmental Psychology, 17 (2), 124-144.

Soland, M., Steimer, N. & Walter, G. (2013). Local Acceptance of Existing Biogas Plants in Switzerland. Energy Policy, 61, 802-810.

Rau, I., Walter, G. & Zoellner, J. (2011). Perceptions of citizen protests in the renewable energy sector: From NIMBY opposition to communal emancipation. Environmental Psychology, 15 (2), 37-51.

Publications in conference proceedings and in edited books

Fetting, K., Wallenwein, I., Wöß, V., & Walter, G. (2023). Requirements of LGBTQ employees for diversity management in companies. In M. Terstiege (Ed.), Diversity in Marketing & Sales - Best Practices from Agencies, Consultancies and Companies (pp. 185-207). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Hesse, L., Walter, G. & Tietze, S. (2020). Influence of personality, affinity for technology and risk awareness on technology acceptance using the example of voice control. In MuC' 20: Proceedings of the conference on Mensch und Computer, September 6 - 9, 2020 (p. 211-221).

Fischer, D., Strunz, E. & Walter, G. (2018). Biopsychosocial effects of modern workplace concepts. In D. Matusiezicz, V. Nürnberg & S. Nobis (Eds.), Health and Work 4.0 (pp. 151-160). Heidelberg: medhochzwei.

Schubert, L., Walter, G., Fischer, D. & Merkwitz, R. (2018). Shared leadership - success factors and challenges of shared leadership positions. In D. Matusiezicz, V. Nürnberg & S. Nobis (Eds.), Health and Work 4.0 (p. 139-149). Heidelberg: medhochzwei.

Alberola, C., Brau, H. & Walter, G. (2017). The shortening of the User Experience Questionnaire UEQ. In M. Burghardt, R. Wimmer, C. Wolff & C. Womser-Hacker (Eds.), Mensch und Computer 2017 - Tagungsband, September 10-13, 2017 (p. 37-48). Regensburg: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V..

Sporer, T., Riecks, A., Walter, G., Erbacher, C., Köstlbacher, A. & Jahnke, T. (2006). Knowledgebay - Information service of a digital university by students for students. In R. Geier & A. Kretzer (Eds.), Information and Entertainment. Schriften zur Medienwissenschaft, 12 (p. 153-164). Hamburg: Dr. Kovak.

Presentations on conferences

Walter, G., Baur, A., & Lashani, A. (2024). The evaluation of selected New Work approaches by Generation Z - a quantitative study. Presentation at the GWPs annual conference in Cologne on 22.02.2024.

Walter, G., Hartmann, K., & Völkl. F. (2022). Factors influencing tourist travel intention during the Covid-19 pandemic: a quantitative analysis based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB). Presentation at the GWPs annual conference in Cologne on 06.05.2022.

Seidel, N. & Walter, G. (2022). Mental accounting when paying with cash and credit cards: an extension of Tversky & Kahneman's (1981) theater ticket study. Presentation at the GWPs annual conference in Cologne on 06.05.2022.

Hartmann, K., Walter, G., & Völkl. F. (2021). Factors influencing travel intention during the Covid-19 pandemic: a quantitative analysis based on the theory of planned behavior. Paper presented at the 4th annual Consumer Behavior in Tourism Symposium (CBTS), Dec. 13th -15th, 2021.

Walter, G., Zuegg, A. & Brandt, J. (2020). Gratuitous Sex Appeals in Advertising: a Replication of the Findings of Dahl et al. (2009) and Sengupta & Dahl (2008) Using a European Sample. Presentation at the GWPs annual conference in Stuttgart on 04.03.2020.

Walter, G., Spang, A. & Merkwitz, R. (2017). Work-related attitudes and experiences of highly qualified flexible employees. Presentation at the 10th conference of the AOW section of the DGPs in Dresden on 15.09.2020.

Walter, G. (2014). Local Acceptance of Wind Energy Projects at Potential Sites - Results of a Quasi-Experimental Survey in Germany and Switzerland. Presentation at the 49th Congress of the DGPs in Bochum on 23.09.2014.

Walter, G. (2013). Local Acceptance of Wind Energy Projects at Potential Sites - Results of an Experimental Survey in Germany and Switzerland. Presentation at the 10th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology in Magdeburg on 24.09.2013.

Walter, G. (2013). Citizens' requirements for new renewable energy projects. Presentation at the Euroforum Annual Conference "Energiewirtschaft Schweiz" in Zurich on 25.06.2013.

Walter, G. (2012). Scientific explanations for citizen opposition to renewable energies. Lecture at the E-world in Essen on 06.02.2012.

Walter, G. (2011). Citizen opposition to renewable energies -Regional partnerships to increase acceptance. Presentation at the Euroforum conference "Acceptance of energy and infrastructure projects" in Düsseldorf on 14.09.2011.

Further publications

Günther, J., Hartmann, K., Simon, M. & Walter, G. (2020). Intercultural marketing: Comparison of success factors of customer approach in the DACH region and South Korea using the example of decorative cosmetics. Research Journal for Applied Management, 1 (2), 23-42.

Rathnow, P. & Walter, G. (2018). Corporate culture as a success factor: Five building blocks for successful M&A. Controller Magazine, Issue 1, 40-46.

Hesse, L., Mühlbäck, K. & Walter, G. (2017). "Off to new shores": An empirical investigation of the opportunities and risks of expansion strategies of strong brands using the example of the Apple iCar. ISM Research Journal, 4 (1), 55-72.

Walter, G. (2016). Local wind power opponents and supporters: Characteristics, wind power-related motives and opportunities for influence. ISM Research Journal, 3 (1), 57-84.

Walter, G. & Busching, D. (2014). Local acceptance and willingness to participate in renewable energy power plant projects. Energy economics daily issues, 64 (9), 99-102.

Walter, G., Neudert, F. & Munz, I. (2014). Finding sustainable consensus - differences in the acceptance of decentralized generation plants and large power plants. VSE Bulletin, Issue 4.

Schutt, H., Walter, G. & Wöhler, B. (2014). Energy companies: Cultural change through energy transition. The Business Mediation, Issue 2.

Walter, G., Munz, I. & Halank, A. (2012). The new market premium model in Germany. VSE Bulletin, Issue 3.

Walter, G. (2011, May 2). Rebellion of the romantics. Energy - a supplement to the Süddeutsche Zeitung, p. 2.