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RWU-Prof. Dr. Annika Valentin

Prof. Dr. Annika Valentin

Vice Dean of the Faculty of Social Work, Health and Care, Social Work with Children/Young People, Diversity, Gender, Sex Education and Sexuality Education
Opening hours During the semester: Wednesdays from 5.00 - 5.30 p.m.
Room A 223
On campus
Building A
Leibnizstr. 10
88250 Weingarten
Postal address RWU Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten
University of Applied Sciences
Prof. Dr. Annika Valentin
P.O. Box 30 22
88216 Weingarten

Studied educational science at the University of Augsburg and social work at the DHBW in Stuttgart.
Doctorate (Dr.'in phil.) at the University of Augsburg in the field of educational science.
Worked for many years as a freelance consultant for sexual education & diversity. From 2006 to 2017 employed as a social worker in various fields of work, including at diversity München e.V.