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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Peter Fath receives honorary professorship - The future belongs to photovoltaics

RWU Verleihung Honorarprofessur Dr. Peter Fath (6)
v.l.n.r.: Michael Münter, Thomas Spägele, Peter Fath, Thomas Glogowski

On June 26, RWU awarded its long-time lecturer Dr. Peter Fath an honorary professorship. He has been committed to the development and expansion of photovoltaic systems for over 25 years.

Peter Fath is a jack-of-all-trades: in addition to research, development and university teaching, he is also a founder, managing director and political advisor. The topic that links all these tasks is photovoltaics. Peter Fath and his companies develop solar factories worldwide and advise companies, for example in the search for suitable locations. These activities do not stop Peter Fath from staying connected to his home country and the next generation of scientists: he has been a lecturer at RWU since 2016. He passes on his extensive knowledge and, above all, his fascination for the subject to students in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. RWU has now awarded Peter Fath the title of Honorary Professor for his outstanding achievements.

"Since my first lecture in Konstanz in 2002, it has been a great pleasure for me to accompany young people," said Professor Dr. Peter Fath during his acceptance speech. "Without the students, there would be no interactive lectures full of enthusiasm." This enthusiasm goes so far that Peter Fath has already held online lectures during a honeymoon in the Maldives. His teaching is characterized by a passion that he always imparts to his students at RWU free of charge.

Photovoltaics is essential for the energy transition

"RWU has made an excellent choice," said Dr. Michael Münter, Ministerial Director at the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector. "When it comes to climate change, there must be role models. Peter Fath and his lectures are a great example of this." The Rector of RWU, Professor Dr. Thomas Spägele, also emphasized the extraordinary commitment: "You are a beacon of our university, who convinces with expertise and above all with passion, courage and resilience. Listening to you makes you want to be young and help master the technical challenges of the energy transition. With people like you, RWU is fulfilling its social role model function."

The Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering emphasized the passion with which Peter Fath dedicates himself to teaching. His ability to infect students with his enthusiasm for the subject of photovoltaics has long since spread beyond the faculty boundaries. "You are no ordinary lecturer," says Professor Dr. Thomas Glogowski, "you can see that, for example, when you get into your car at the airport after a business trip to Canada and drive straight to the university to give your lecture."

Between photovoltaic expansion and work at the university

Dr. Radovan Kopecek, a long-time companion of Peter Fath, gave a short presentation describing the progress photovoltaics has made over the past 25 years and what the technology can achieve in the coming decades. "I already knew in the 90s that you would become a professor one day. It just took a little longer, you had to found 40 companies first," said Radovan Kopecek with a twinkle in his eye.

Professor Dr. Rutger Schlatman, Director of the Competence Centre for Photovoltaics at Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, emphasized that Peter Fath's path was not an easy one: "When Peter started working with photovoltaics, the systems were still considered a gimmick. Today, they are an important issue in terms of climate change and are also the most sustainable source of energy. This future will be shaped not least by the young students at RWU. Peter Fath also thanked them first and foremost: "Without you, there would be no pioneering enthusiasm with regard to climate change. It is always a pleasure to work with you to ensure a better future," said the newly appointed Professor Peter Fath.

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Alec Weber