Auf einen Blick
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (EN)
- international mit Studierenden aus aller Welt
- bilingual mit Kurssprache Englisch in den Semestern 1-4 & Deutsch in den Semestern 5-7
- praxisorientiert mit einem verpflichtenden Praxissemester
- startet jährlich zum Sommersemester
Deutschsprachigen Studierenden wird der Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (DE) angeboten. Die Kurssprache ist in allen Semestern Deutsch. Start ist jährlich zum Wintersemester.
Unser englischsprachiges Vorbereitungssemester TAKEoff@RWU empfehlen wir allen internationalen Studieninteressierten, die ihr Studium im Wintersemester beginnen, ihre Sprach- und Fachkenntnisse auffrischen und Kontakte zu lokalen Unternehmen knüpfen möchten.
For further information, please visit our English Website.
Alle Termine
Job profile
Electrical Engineering/Electronics in modern life, Digitalization, Robotics.
Modern life with robots, digitial assistents, IoT and even artificial intelligence is not possible without electrical and electronic technologies, and it is amidst this modern life that electrical engineers will find their place. Almost all aspects of life benefit from their expertise.
Electrical Engineering/Electronics in Information Technology.
Information and Communication technology is a central discipline in electrical engineering and electronics. New analog and digital fast and efficient transmission technologies are the key to communication technologies. Engineers of Electrical Engineering and Electronics work on furthering this development.
Electrical Engineering/Electronics in Automation.
Automation is one of the technologies in electrical engineering, within our industrial society, that has been expanding enormously. Engineers in automation deal with control systems as used in autopilots in aircrafts, car stability control and safety packages as well as in the automated production processes of industry.
- Older module manuals are stored in the QM Portal.
- §36 Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Study and Examination Regulations of 2024-05-16
- Study and examination regulations for EN bachelor's programs - This revision statute comes into force in the summer semester 2025
- Satzung der Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten über die Ordnung für das Hochschulzulassungs- und Auswahlverfahren für Bachelor-Studiengänge vom 28. November 2024
Weiterführende Inhalte
Weiterführendes Masterstudium

Electrical Engineering and Embedded Systems (EN)

Mechatronics (EN)

Gestalten Sie die Zukunft im Zeitalter des Wandels durch die Entwicklung effizienter neuer elektrischer und elektronischer Technologien.
Der Studiengang "Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik" bildet Elektroingenieure aus, die wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse und technische Ideen direkt in praktische Anwendungen oder marktfähige Produkte umsetzen können.
In den ersten drei Semestern lernen die Studierenden die fachlichen und naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen. Dieser Teil ist für alle Studierenden des Studiengangs verpflichtend. Typische Vorlesungen in diesem Teil umfassen Elektrotechnik und Elektronik, digitale Schaltungen und Computertechnik. Auch eine fundierte Ausbildung in verschiedenen Aspekten der Programmierung findet in diesem Teil des Studiums statt.
Im Hauptstudium ab dem vierten Semester können sich die Studierenden auf eine der beiden Studienrichtungen spezialisieren:
Die Kommunikationstechnik beschäftigt sich mit der Übertragung, Vermittlung und Verarbeitung von Nachrichten. Das weltweite Wachstum der Telekommunikation sorgt dafür, dass diese Branche auch in Zukunft eine führende Rolle in der globalisierten Wirtschaft und Industrie spielen wird.
Die Automatisierungstechnik ist zu einem Symbol für die moderne Fertigungsindustrie geworden. Die Industriegesellschaften des 21. Jahrhunderts sind geprägt vom globalen Wettbewerb und einer weitgehend automatisierten Produktion.
Das fünfte Semester ist ein Praxissemester, das die Studierenden in einem Industriebetrieb in der Nähe oder deutschlandweit absolvieren und selbständig eine Aufgabe aus dem Bereich der Elektrotechnik bearbeiten.
Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss des Studiums erlangen Sie den international anerkannten Abschluss Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.).
Bewerbung zum Sommersemester
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (EN) bietet
- 25 Studienplätze im Sommersemester (EN, internationaler Kurs)
- 15. November: Bewerbungschluss für das Sommersemester
Die Termine sind Ausschlussfristen, das bedeutet, dass Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen bis zu diesem Tag eingetroffen sein müssen, um bei der Studienplatzvergabe berücksichtigt zu werden.
For further information, please visit our English Website.
Projekte dieses Studiengangs

Rover 2 Mars
Das Rover2Mars-Projekt ist ein Projekt von Studierenden der RWU.
Der Rover wird eigenständig von Studierenden aus den Studiengängen der
- Elektrotechnik
- Informatik
- Maschinenbau,
- Wirtschaftsingenieurswesen
und weiteren entwickelt und aufgebaut.
Das Team nimmt mit dem entwickelten Rover an Wettbewerben wie z.B. am Canadian International Rover Contest (CIRC) teil. 2019 belegte das Team Platz 9 von 12 (siehe Pressmitteilung zum Download)

Regelungs- und Prozesstechnik
- Gebäude H (Hauptgebäude)
- Raum H240

E-Mobility (X-LAB)
- Gebäude J
News zu diesem Studiengang

Welcome and Orientation Week
Die RWU heißt ihre internationalen Studierenden auf dem Campus in Weingarten willkommen. 78 junge Menschen aus sieben verschiedenen Ländern nehmen zum Wintersemester ihr Studium an der RWU auf.

Fit for foreign cultures
"Hidden Signals" is the title of a series of publications on intercultural communication studies. Different communication styles within individual countries lead again and again to misunderstandings in business and private life.

Virtuelles Robotiklabor an der RWU
Der Laborbetrieb stellt für Hochschulen unter Coronabedingungen eine besondere Herausforderung dar, doch es werden innovative Lösungen gefunden.

„Sie sind aufgefordert, Wandel zu gestalten“
84 Bachelor- und 41 Master-Absolventinnen und Absolventen der Fakultät Elektrotechnik schlossen im Sommersemester ihr Studium an der RWU ab und bekamen nun ihre Urkunden überreicht.
Für weitere Informationen folgen Sie bitte dem Link.
- General informations about the practical semester (PDF, 44.73 KB)general informations about the practical semester important informations about contents and procedure of the practical semester
- Special informations about the practical semester (PDF, 71.47 KB)special informations about the practical semester
- Standard training agreement (PDF, 200.1 KB)this specimen can be used as contract of employment - please give a copy of the completed form to our admission and registrar's office
- How to write practical reports (PDF, 30.74 KB)description of contents and formal appearance - submission deadline of pdf-file including scan of cover sheet is the end of the second lecture week after the practical semester has been finished. Send to
- Cover sheet for practical reports (PDF, 38.61 KB)cover sheet for practical reports stamped and signed by your training company
- Intermediate presentation internship semester 2023.pdf (PDF, 74.36 KB)
Warum RWU
Why RWU?
Academic Life
You prefer a „hands-on” approach over a theoretical one? You rather enjoy working in small groups, than being part of the big unknown?
- Our RWU has a long history of practical experience, starting back in 1964 with our faculty in Mechanical Engineering & Physical Engineering. The study programs at our Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences are characterized by practical training and numerous projects in modern, well-equipped laboratories. Students study in small groups, individually supervised by a team of highly qualified professors and assistants. Nearby dormitories and many leisure activities in the attractive landscape of Upper Swabia, close to the Lake of Constance and the Alps offer an excellent environment and the best conditions for studying, working and of course: living.
- The unique strength of our RWU’s academic life lies in practice: Research, Knowledge and Technology Transfer. The research of today is the future of tomorrow. Our courses are application-oriented and prepare students for demanding technical tasks as well as challenging leadership roles. We put the results of our research into practice, advising and supporting organizations in their research and development projects. Interested in our latest research topics? Link:
- For more than 30 years now our RWU offers English-speaking study programs and can look back to a very successful development of international study programs. Our International Office is well-known among international students and can draw upon years of knowledge and experience in all topics related to living & studying here in Weingarten. Furthermore, we also care about each and everyone’s individual study success: supporting our students in their academic questions by offering a peer-to-peer approach. If you are interested in learning more about or special Orientation & Welcome Week, offered Excursions & Events, as well as Buddy Programs, take a look at:
Job Prospective
You intend to stay and work in Germany? Or all around the world?
- Our RWU is located in the south of Germany, close to the Lake of Constance and one of the most beautiful tri-border and strongest economic regions in Europe. Our study programs are characterized by a high degree of practical, real-world orientation and a close cooperation with the global players around us, e.g. Airbus, Continental, MTU, Vetter and ZF.
- Mission: Realizing Potential. Shaping the Future. Our RWU is a nationally and internationally respected educational institution, a successful research university as well as a renowned partner for companies and other organizations. The high quality of our teaching, research and continuing education ensure that our graduates are well-respected and more qualified than the average. Our graduates can rely on a broad intercultural competence, are global in their thinking and ready to take on responsibility.
- The individual advice offered by our Career Service provides an excellent opportunity to get to know the latest job offers here in the region: and our progressive German Language Courses provided by our CLIC offer an easy way to build a profound basis in German:
Student Life
You are looking for an economic and recreational attractive study place? Offering both national and international advantages?
- Our RWU can be found in one of Germany’s most beautiful landscapes and one of the most attractive vacation destinations. Weingarten is a great place to be, not only to study and work, but also to live. The region of Upper Swabia, close to the Lake of Constance offers a unique variety of cultural, recreational and sportive activities. Curious? Join our online Campus-Tour:
- Student life in and around Weingarten never gets boring. If you are interested in culture and festivals: e.g. the famous Rutenfest in Weingarten, the Welfenfest in Weingarten or the historic Carnival all over the region. Or if you are more interested in sports and nature: e.g. university sport, mountain biking or skiing in the Alps, excursions to one of the many wine yards nearby. For further information: In addition, if you are interested in joining one of our RWU Student Associations & Projects: e.g. Formula Student Team, Rover 2 Mars, Big Band, etc. take a look here:
- We see diversity as an opportunity and actively support all members of our university regardless of gender, nationality, faith, creed, disability, age or sexual orientation. Our bilingual courses especially are attended by both German students and students from all over the world. Innovative concepts, direct and open communication and individualized support are the hallmarks of our university. Interested in our students' opinion? Interviews:
Why study Electrical Engineering & Information Technology at our RWU
Digitalization, Robots, Automation and Communication Technology? Elective modules, laboratories and practical work experience?
- Shape the future in the era of change by developing efficient new electrical and electronic technologies. Our B. Eng. in Electrical Engineering & Information Technology trains engineers who can translate scientific findings and technical ideas directly into practical applications or marketable products. With your B. Eng. you will deepen your knowledge in energy-efficiency, autonomous and control systems, contributing an essential part to companies’ success in new, faster and more efficient technologies.
- Modern life is not possible without electrical and electronic technologies: digital assistants, robots, autopilots in airplanes or car stability control systems, faster and more efficient transmission technologies, etc. almost all aspects of life benefit from an engineer’s expertise. Our intensive supervision, numerous exercises in the laboratories, project work and case studies as well as the high focus on practical work, including a mandatory internship make our graduates a valuable asset for all national and international companies.
- Your B. Eng. will furthermore enable you to pursue either a M. Eng. or M. Sc. afterwards. For further information about the individual courses, take a look at the latest Study & Examination Regulations.
Kontakt & Personen
Allgemeine Kontaktinformationen
Öffnungs-/Sprechzeiten | nach Vereinbarung per E-Mail in Raum H231 |
Telefon | | | |
Raum | H 231 |
Besuchsadresse |
Gebäude H (Hauptgebäude)
Doggenriedstraße 70
88250 Weingarten |
Postadresse |
RWU Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (EN) Postfach 30 22
D 88216 Weingarten |
Application Information
Studiendekan & Studienberater


Professorinnen und Professoren

- Gebäude H (Hauptgebäude)
- Raum H 230

Akademische Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter


