RWU does not stand still even in these extraordinary days and weeks. In many places new solutions are being worked on with commitment and creativity. With the series "Corona - What's up", we want to focus not only on what is currently not possible, but especially on what's up.
Together with computer scientists from all over Germany, Bianca-Maria Braun took part in the federal government's nationwide hackathon #WirVSVirus. The focus of the campaign was on the question of how we as a society can jointly master the challenges arising in the wake of the Corona crisis with new digital solutions.
The RWU student and her team developed the web application "Corona Exchange". The platform is designed to organize the exchange of goods and services in such a way that all citizens are adequately provided for. Excessively purchased items can be offered regionally and exchanged for non-existent items.
Focus on exchange and geographical proximity
The available platforms are not yet specialized in this topic and are not used by people in this way. Geographical proximity is also not a prominent factor so far. "It has been a great experience to get a project off the ground in such a short time that has added value for the community. I particularly enjoyed the uncomplicated cooperation in the team", reports Bianca-Maria Braun.
She is now developing the app independently in a project at the university. Marius Hofmeister, Professor for Web Development, supervised the work and is enthusiastic about the initiative: "It's great when our students show such personal commitment. Especially in these challenging times, intelligent digital solutions can selectively simplify life".
The hackathon #WirvsVirus offered a common organisational and technical framework in which programmers, designers, creative people, problem solvers and socially engaged citizens could get involved online for two days and develop functioning prototypes and approaches - digital and non-digital - for socially relevant issues in view of the Corona crisis. The best ideas will then be consolidated and further developed.