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Hochschulweite Online-Umfrage "Qualitätswerkstatt 2021"

Viel Lob, aber auch Kritik


Is RWU a good place to study and work? How satisfied are the students, teachers and staff, and what improvements would they like to see? To find out, the online survey on the quality of studying, teaching and working at RWU was conducted from 22 November to 5 December 2021.

In total, more than 530 students, 96 staff and 58 lecturers took part in the survey and expressed relative satisfaction with RWU. The students praised, for example, the introductory study events, the competence of the lecturers, the advisory and support services as well as the e-learning tools Moodle and BigBlueButton. The lecturers and staff particularly appreciated the collegial atmosphere and the opportunity to work remotely during the Covid pandemic. However, there was also criticism. Above all, the sometimes poor coordination of face-to-face and online events was criticised.

Covid has changed they way we study and work

The effects of the changes we have seen during the pandemic are clearly visible in the survey results. Even though many students and teachers would like to maintain a certain amount of online teaching in the future, many struggled with the negative sides of online teaching, be it the increased workload or learning load or the loss of communication and contact that occurred.

Students want coordinated online and face-to-face teaching

The change in teaching and learning forms brought about by the pandemic measures is also clearly expressed in the suggestions for improvement: at the top of the wish list is a well-thought-out mix of online and face-to-face teaching. Second most frequently mentioned were ideas for optimising the flow of information, whether in the study programmes or in relation to the various portals in use at RWU. The third most frequently mentioned topic were suggestions on how the learning environment at the university could be made more attractive.

Improvements need time and commitment

"We are grateful for the many good ideas and the unexpectedly high level of participation, even if it meant that the evaluation took longer than we had hoped," says Professor Dr Sebastian Mauser, Prorector for Studies, Teaching and Quality Management. "We have forwarded the feedback to the relevant degree programmes and departments, and they are now evaluating which changes can be implemented."  The "Qualitätswerkstatt" format has already led to some improvements in previous years, and the effect is supposed to be noticeable this time as well. "We will focus on the ten most frequent suggestions and also keep checking the implementation status on part of the Rectorate," says Chancellor Henning Rudewig, who built up quality management in the administration. "Assessing and implementing the suggestions means a lot of work for our lecturers and staff. We would therefore like to offer our sincere thanks to all those who get involved."


You can access the overall evaluation of the “Qualitätswerkstatt 2021” with a list of the top 10 suggestions for improvement via the new QM Portal.
The results will be presented online on 13th December 2022 at 13:30. You will receive the invitation by e-mail.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact .

C. Reudanik