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Ab jetzt überall in der Hochschule: Konzepte 2020

Das neue Konzepte Magazin ist da!

Konzepte 2020

For the first time the magazine is available in the new RWU design and bilingual. In addition, the university magazine is now published every six months and always right on time for the start of the semester.

Besides the new look, Konzepte 2020 once again features many interesting stories and conversations that provide insights into life on and off campus. What does a project work in the Digital Media Design course look like? How will we move forward in the future? What does a semester abroad look like? What does a professor do, when he or she is not at the university? And what has become of the people who used to study at RWU?
In the new issue you will find out everything that interests and concerns people in and around RWU. On 66 pages, students, lecturers, staff and alumni report on their everyday student or professional life, research projects, experiences abroad or exciting hobbies.

We hope you enjoy reading it!

The magazine is free of charge, is available in the university buildings and can be downloaded as a PDF file from our homepage: Konzepte 2020
The university magazine can also be sent to interested parties outside the university. Concepts can be ordered by sending an e-mail to pressestelle@rwu.de.

Hannah Bucher