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Center for Business and Industrial Marketing

CBIM International Conference

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Due to the pandemic, the CBIM Conference was held virtually this year from 22-24 June. The CBIM International Conference aims to gather academics, professionals, and doctoral students around the world to promote a rigorous, candid, and friendly discussion of current and potential future topics in B2B Marketing and Sales.

This year, there were three conference papers from Ravensburg-Weingarten University in cooperation with the University of Bamberg authored by 3 Professors (Prof. Dr. Barbara Niersbach (RWU), Prof. Dr. Eberhard Hohl (RWU), Prof. Dr. Bjoern Ivens (University of Bamberg)  and 2 Doctoral Candidates of University of Bamberg/RWU (Nayan Kadam and Alireza Ahmadi).

Conference Paper 1:

The Key Account Manager as an Intrapreneur of the company. Authors: Prof. Dr. Barbara Niersbach, Prof. Dr. Eberhard Hohl, Prof. Dr. Bjoern Ivens


Conference Paper 2:

Cultural factors influencing the Global Account Management in an Indian and German context. Authors: Nayan Kadam, Prof. Dr. Barbara Niersbach, Prof. Dr. Bjoern Ivens.


Conference Paper 3: Challenges of implementing an effective Key Account Management system in a high context culture - the Middle East countries. Authors: Alireza Ahmadi, Prof. Dr. Barbara Niersbach, Prof. Dr. Bjoern Ivens.


It was a great pleasure to meet so many B2B Marketing and Sales researchers from all over the world. The academic exchange was on a very high and fruitful level though being online. However, we hope that we can meet in presence in the next CBIM conference next year.