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Seminar für interkulturelle Sensibilisierung geht in die zweite Runde

Interkulturelle Sensibilisierung
Leiterin des Center for Languages and Intercultural Communication Fabienne Ronssin mit den interdisziplinären Seminaranleitenden (von links nach rechts) Lena Welkenbach, Tapan Hegde, Priyesh Rajakumar, Mahmoud Elmoghazy und Prerana Pradeep.

When dealing with people from other cultures, there are often some stumbling blocks and prejudices. The CLIC Language Center's "Intercultural Sensitization" seminar helps students get these out of the way.

The design and implementation of the seminar are based on the premise that intercultural sensitivity and competence are key skills in our global society. Many RWU students will work in multicultural contexts and teams after graduation: Therefore, the seminar instructors see it as RWU's responsibility to strengthen this sensitivity in order to notice interpersonal and intercultural differences and to be able to adapt one's own behavior if necessary.

The peer teaching creates a relaxed atmosphere that is conducive to discussion. The idea of the seminar is to use experiential methods to teach intercultural topics. The seminar is aimed at all international students who want to reflect on their work and life in the German context, as well as at German students who are interested in other cultures. Previous seminars have shown: The more diverse the nationalities and personalities of the participants, the more interesting the discussions.

The seminar will be held in English and in presence.

Interested students can register via the LSF course "Intercultural Sensitization". There will be 1 credit for participation on December 03. and 04.

If you have any questions, you can contact lena.welkenbach@rwu.de.